Infants and Toddlers

Infant and Toddler Visits


One of the main things that sets pediatric dentists apart is our extensive understanding of dental development and oral hygiene education starting at a very young age. We love seeing families with young children beginning at the first year of age! Yes, at age 1 there isn't too much to look at. Usually just a couple cute teeth in the front and lots of drooling. The idea of this visit goes much deeper than looking for cavities. These early visits allow us to build a strong, trusting relationship with your child. It also allows me to discuss development of the mouth and timelines for tooth eruption. We talk about proper oral hygiene and whether or not the "binky" is OK. Often times, we spend the entire appointment discussing books or articles that parents have read and separating facts from opinion. These are my favorite appointments because they give me a chance to get to know you and your little one!